Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Sally Hershberger Facial Review

We’ve experienced just about every type of facial out there: diamond, oxygen and budget, to name a few. But all that knowledge still didn’t prepare us for the utter wackiness—and wow-worthy results—of the Sally Hersberger Face Place facial with Tom Woodhouse.

He started out by layering our skin with cotton soaked in a yucca solution to soften skin and cleanse pores. On top of that, went a sort of facial tepee—a cone with an opening, which produces a dry heat and amplifies the softening and cleansing affect of the yucca. We soaked in our own personal sweat lodge for 15-ish minutes. We felt relatively comfortable with it despite our slight case of claustrophobia. Tom tells us some of his clients like to read or send emails on their Blackberries. We opted to chat with our adorable manicurist Erica Marton.

After our face was thoroughly cleansed, Tom put a Hannibal Lecter-type mask over our face. In Tom’s words:

The mask works to penetrate a water soluble vitamin and mineral solution deeply into the skin. It stimulates the cells to increase collagen production helping to firm the skin. At the same time it tightens the pores, minimizes bacterial growth in the skin and decreases inflammation.

We experienced a slight metallic taste in out mouth, but other than that it was perfectly pleasant.

The results: Our face was immediately glowing and our monster pimple was in retreat. Best of all—our skin was healthy and breakout free for weeks, despite a grueling travel schedule.

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