Thursday, January 1, 2009

New Year's Resolutions

Oh yes--it's that time of year. Before we set our new ones, let's take a look to see how JSG did following last year's:

Never be hungover again! Not to mention no more flying drunk or shopping drunk: Big fat F! That was a lofty one to start with.

Eat more orange food: Does the OJ we're having with our breakfast count?

Visit more cities that have an A in them: Vail, Los Angeles, San Diego, Miami, Austin...we set ourselves up with an easy one.

Always take the stairs: Pretty good, believe it or not. Though it helps that we live on the second floor.

Wear metallic whenever possible: Annie is still championing the sequins for daytime movement as morning after chic.

Worry a little less if our outfit matches (a la Sienna, NOT Britney): We're still working on losing our fashion inhibitions.

Meet more bloggers: Rocked this one out! From Yuli and Drew at MyItThings to the Smashing Darlings to Johnny Jet all our friends at TotalBeauty, this is one resolution we were more than happy to keep.

Bring back better souvenirs for our friends and families. See ya, magnets! We did get our boyfriend jewelry. Does that count?

Learn to be a better flirt: Lord. We're as hopeless as ever!

Make some new playlists so we're not forever listening to the same songs on our iPod: Slacking on this one, too, and it's even an easy one.

Experiment with makeup more. We'll look to our friends at and All About the Pretty for advice: From mastering the smoky eye, learning how to do a cat eye to experimenting with gray nail polish, we nailed this one.

Delete e-mails after we read 'em. No more in-boxes that top 718 for us! We're at 184 as of today!

Use fewer napkins. We've been good about turning down plastic bags now for years, but still take a handful of napkins whenever we go to Starbucks or Pinkberry. Must save those trees! Doing ok on the napkins. Our new eco-enemy is plastic utensils with takeout or delivery. We always try to remember to say we don't need them and emailed Mayor Bloomberg to suggest he make it a law that restaurants have to ask before just dumping them in the bag.


  1. Hi, can you share any links from JSG from when you went to Vail? I'm going soon and wanted to check out your experience. Thanks, Samara

  2. Ah, I found the search function -- I had been looking for it!

  3. Let us know if you have any specific questions. Hope goes every year.Enjoy your trip!
