Sunday, July 6, 2008

Update to Swimsuit Sale

Last week we told you about our unsuccessful swimsuit shopping outing--our second attempt was a success! On Thursday afternoon, we faced holiday traffic on the Beltway to drive to Tyson's Corner at Bloomingdale's, which was touting its 40 percent off sale. Which would have been worthwhile, had they had more than five swimsuits there--not so much.

From there we walked through the mall to Nordstrom's, but none of its suits were on sale yet--we're not about to pay full price in July!

Next we got back in our car to drive to Saks at Tysons II. First off, we saw the Shoshana coverup that we hadn't been able to get out of our mind since Monday and decided that we had to have it. It wasn't the smartest $122 we've ever spent, but it sure is cute!

We bought the above suit. It won our approval because it's A) Marc Jacobs. We didn't even know he made suits B) Like all Marc's clothes, it straddles the line between cute and sexy perfectly. C) The color is flat out gorge. D) Unlike Saks in NYC, the Saks at Tyson's is not overrun with European tourists, so shopping was far more pleasant. E) It was $109.

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