Friday, April 18, 2008

On Our Radar: Jackie Warner at Dolphin Bay

Jackie WarnerThose of you who are Jackie Warner fans (and we understand from the NYTimes that there are more than a few of you with girl crushes on the buff blonde Work Out trainer), listen up! Jackie in all her lip glossed, shaggy haired, washboard abs glory (OK, maybe we have a teensy crush. Just look at her? Can you blame us?) will team up for the SkyLab Life Change camp at Dolphin Bay Resorts in Pismo Beach, California from May 31-June 5 then later again this year from August 30-September 6.

Now you know we're loathe to go on vacations that don't include pool boys, meat and copious amounts of bubbly, but this trip piqued our interest. It includes daily workouts with the lovely Ms. Warner, who trains celebs, including Amanda Peet and Anne Hathaway, daily meals cooked with local and organic produce and massages. Not to mention you get to stay at the fab Dolphin Bay, which is situated on a cliff overlooking the sea, where you can see--you guessed it--dolphins frolicking.

As we look over Jackie's list of top fitness tips for '08, there are even a few we can support wholeheartedly:
Never skip meals.
Deprivation does not work.
Crunches are a waste of time.
Satisfy oral fixation with herbal teas (That's so NOT going to fly with our SO).

We could actually deal with most til we got to number 5: Sugar is the devil and number 14: Only do intensity cardio. Doesn't she know what that would do to our blowouts?

Well, ladies, looks like we won't be competing with you for Jackie's attention after all!

Are you up for the challenge? Look here for more information.

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