Sunday, May 3, 2009

Wolverine: The Best Date Movie Ever

X-Men Origins: Wolverine opened this weekend and we were on the fence about seeing it; but we're certainly are glad we did! Ladies, this is your golden opportunity to throw a bone at the SO and relent to his choice of movies. Here's what's in it for him: tons of action, lots of killing, strange sci-fi stuff, war scenes, and a really loud soundtrack. So where's the payoff for you? Many scenes with half-dressed Hugh Jackman (delicious!), Liev Schreiber and Ryan Reynolds, a sweet and believable love story, and Taylor Kitsch (we had to google "hot guy from Friday Night Lights" to get his name). The bottom line is we've sat through our fair share of Marvel comic inspired action hero movies and Wolverine is the first one that left us blushing. Nice.

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