Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Introducing Our New Assistant Editor: Ava Hoffman!

JSG is SO excited to announce that we have a new assistant editor, Ava Hoffman. Ava loves to travel with her girlfriends as much as we do: she's currently planning her sister's bachelorette party to Fire Island. She loves music, playing sports, reading, and finding new and fun things to do and see. She spent a semester abroad in Florence, Italy and traveled all throughout Europe as well as Mexico, the Caribbean and the good ol' U-S-of-A. She graduated from the University of Wisconsin-Madison (Go Badgers!) last year and now lives in NYC.

Ava will be writing posts, contributing a 20-something viewpoint and attending NY-based events for us.

Welcome, Ava!


  1. Welcome Ava, I can't wait to read your words and meet you. I love Anne and Hope.

  2. Welcome Ava!! Looking forward to your posts and meeting you in NYC in the fall!

  3. As Julia #2 I would like to say how proud I am of my Best Friend Ava Daryl Hoffman and I look forward to reading her wise words, after all she is my life guru. Love you Shmave!
