Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Vacation Porn

New York Magazine
About the only thing we look forward to on Mondays is New York magazine showing up in our mailbox. The magazine is consistently smart, well-rounded, clever and never takes itself too seriously. In addition to all those pluses, it's one of the few publications, in our humble opinion, that understands how a magazine and its website can happily coexist. Basically, if New York magazine were a man, we would marry it.

New York Magazine Tahiti

This week's cover story is "Escape from New York," which features 16 drool-worthy vacations that answer the fantasies of everyday New Yorkers. It made us realize just how much we really DO want to go to Tahiti (above) and Kenya (below).

New York Magazine Kenya

Of course, we would have like to have been asked by New York Magazine to be included in the story--either to share our dream escape (still looking for the place where hot shirtless guys give us foot massages while we sip a bottomless glass of Perrier Jouet) or to help New Yorkers plot their getaway fantasies. With all due respect, NY Mag, we definitely would have given the hottie hot twin Jason and Garry Clemmons, better advice.

New York Magazine, cute twinsNY Mag--The boys say they like a nice, quiet beach and a good party, so you're sending them to Eleuthera? While we adore the Out Islands of the Bahamas, because we imagine the beaches are similar to those in Tahiti in terms of natural beauty, yet they're only a hop, skip and a jump from Florida, Eleuthera's lacking on the party scene. JSG would send them to the Gansevoort in Turks & Caicos, which we reviewed on Friday. Next time, just call!

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