Tuesday, March 10, 2009

A Peek Inside a Glamour Beauty Blogger's Carry On

She makes us laugh on a daily basis with her sly observations on Glamour's Girls in the Beauty Department, so we had to know what's inside Beth Shapouri's carry on. Lucky us, we caught her just as she was about to jet off to Miami for a girls' weekend.

I usually rotate my carry-ons, depending on the trip. This time I’m using a Gryson Hannah bag that was a gift that just happens to be the perfect size for what I want to take with me. What’s inside?

I always bring Aquaphor. I have oily skin, so the dry plane air doesn’t affect me quite as much as it seems to for other people. But my lips do get parched and this stuff hydrates like nothing else.


Bare Minerals All-Over Color in Warmth—this stuff is magic. It gives you a glow and masks imperfections. Plus it’s a powder so I don’t have to worry about putting it in a Ziploc bag.

I usually bring a few Excedrin Migraine pills since I never know when a headache will come on. Darn you, genetics!


Of course, I’ll bring my beloved iPhone with the latest Lost podcast loaded on it and a free Boggle-like word game called Shake N Spell.

Josh Holloway

A good book—for this trip I’m bringing Jeannette Walls’s The Glass Castle: A Memoir. I hear it’s a fascinating look into a very unique and troubled family.

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