Wednesday, March 4, 2009

A Peek Inside a Flirtexter's Carry On Part 2

We love the spot-on advise that Olivia and Debra give about texting. If only we'd known this a few years ago! Look for their book, Flirtexting: How to Text Your Way to His Heart, and check out Flirtexting online for their blog. Olivia's recent post on the changes to our social lives BC (before cell) and now is a great read as are her tips for getting back to traditional dating.

Here's what Olivia has in her carry on, thanks for sharing!

Olivia’s Carry-On

Here’s what my carry on actually looks like. I use T. Anthony’s Classic Duffle in Blue/Burgundy. It was a Christmas present in High School. I always thought it was so chic and timeless. I even decided to forgo an actual backpack when “backpacking” in Europe in college. I packed 2 weeks worth of clothes in my duffle and made backpacking easy and breezy.

My Must-Have Beauty Items
By Terry Lip Gloss- Its moisturizing gloss with SPF.
Moisturizer- Mistral Hand Crème
Natura Bisse Moisturizer-I always put some on before landing. The plane air sucks the moisture out of your skin and prior to landing I like to bring it back to life.

I have an eclectic taste in music. Jams on my iPod:
T.I. Paper Trails, Dinah Washington, Adele, Lady Gaga, Lil Wayne, Santinogold, Michael Jackson Dirty Diana, Stevie Wonder.

I always travel with my striped cashmere YaYa scarf. It can be a scarf or a wrap. Love its versatility. It’s key to traveling light and smart.

Magazines: I’ve never been much of a movie watcher on the plane. I use it as an excuse to catch up on my magazines. I always stock up prior to boarding on: Bazaar, Teen Vogue (best fashion layouts), The New Yorker, Travel (it's an excuse to daydream about more places you want to explore), Men’s Health (bc I always wanna know what the boys are thinking).

Always have my Dell Laptop with me to write. Traveling is so inspiring to a writer. It’s also a great escape excuse to turn off emails/phones and clear our minds a bit. I can get some great writing done in the air.

Want to know what's in co-author's Deb's carry on?

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