Friday, March 20, 2009

On Our Radar: Blueprint Cleanse

Blueprint cleanse
Granted, it's not exactly a destination, but since we can't be in Vegas living it up at the nearest sportsbooks with all the crazed NCAA fans or in Miami for its quasi fashion week, we're mixing it up in a whole new way this weekend, with a Blueprint Juice Cleanse. After all, it is officially spring today and high time to get back into bikini shape.

The Blueprint Cleanse promises to: Boost immune systems; alleviates allergies, gives your digestive organs a rest, help with weight, reverse signs of aging and elevate mood and sex drive, among other benefits. What's not to love?

Annie starts the her 3-day "Renovation" cleanse today:

For breakfast, I'm looking forward to a salad in a glass: a blend of romaine, celery, cucumber, kale, parsley, spinach, lemon and green apple. That's followed by a pineapple mint, more green juice, spicy lemonade (a la master cleanse), carrot, apple, ginger and beet juice then finally a bedtime cashew milk smoothie for fat and protein.

The juices were handily delivered to my home Wednesday night in a portable, thermal lunch bag. Each bottle is numbered, so there's no confusing what order they go in, just in case I get delirious with the lack of solid food. (Kidding! I hope.)

I did a 48-hour juice cleanse at the New Age Health Spa a few years back. I felt pretty bad the first night, especially after a colon cleanse. I missed protein the most--as I am an avowed red meat eater. It was worth it, though: My stomach was never flatter and I did eat healthier for a few weeks afterwards.

This time around, I'm hoping the juice will help me kick my sugar and salt cravings, help with bloat, give me more energy and generally rock my world. I'm ready to shake off the winter doldrums and get ready for warm weather.

I'll post updates on Twitter throughout the weekend and a complete follow up next week. I'm already starting to regret the fries I had yesterday for lunch!

Blueprint ships their juices nationwide. It's $255 for the three day program outside of NYC and $195 in NYC.

Wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. I am REALLY tempted to try this but I just can't commit $200 to it right now...
