Monday, December 8, 2008

Holiday Gift Guide - Shoes for a Good Cause

When we first heard that Tom's Shoes donates a pair of shoes to a need children whenever one pair is purchased, we had to ask: Really? The answer is yes. For every pair of Tom's shoes that you buy a pair is shipped of to a child in need. So far, at least 10,000 pairs of shoes have been donated to children in Argentina and 50,000 pairs have been donated to kids in South Africa. Wow!

This holiday season, Tom's set the goal of sending 30,000 pairs of shoes to kids in Ethiopia, so start shopping! The slip on shoes are perfect for traveling and will help get you through security lickety split! JSG likes the silver pair best, of course, but you'll find a hue or a pattern for everyone on your list!

1 comment:

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