Monday, October 13, 2008

Sexy Winter Coats

On our recent trip to Vermont we encountered our first chilly weather of the season, a sharp realization that winter is around the corner. And we can’t remember how many years it has been since we bought a new coat.

In fact, just the other day, we were bemoaning the fact that we let a gorgeous Rebecca Taylor funnel neck coat on sale slip through our fingers at the end of last winter. At the time we were being financially responsible (hey-it happens every once in a while!). While our Amex bill breathed a sigh of relief, winter’s almost here and we're still dreaming of a new coat.

Enter Lia Lintern. Her designs are simply stunning—enough to make us ask, Rebecca who?
Each has goregeous details like embroidery, bell sleeves, cording and belts.
The coats are made of cashmere and cashmere-wool blends and are silk-lined. There’s more: Each is tailored to fit your body and takes into account your arm length and bust, waist and hip measurements.

The price tag isn’t cheap—the coats start at $565—but for what you get in style and quality, that is a serious bargain (these coats could easily go for twice that). Plus, you’ll save on tailoring costs. Trust us, we know coats!

We also love the story behind the line. Designer Julia Lintern is a former structural aerospace engineer who worked for Delta and Jet Blue fixing damaged airplanes. Something tells us these coats are as functional as they are stylish! We can't wait for the first snowfall!

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