Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Which magazine has the best fall fashion?

It’s that time of year again, when magazines as big as phone books land on our doorsteps chock full of the best fall fashions. Yesterday, both the NY Post and the NY Daily News reviewed the various September issues. We’re a little behind on our magazine reading (our mags have yet to catch up with us after our recent move), but we know from our Twitter friends that Lucky deserves more than the 2.5 lips and 2 hangers it got from each paper respectively.

What do you think? Got a favorite September issue?


  1. I vote for Lucky too. The stickies in it are really handy for bookmarking and coming back to later, for re-reading or blogging or whatever.

  2. hahahahahahaha..woiyee as someone who loves bright colours can I speak in his defence???? Its nice to see someone confident enough to wear yellow shoes..and at least the straps of the murse match his shoes..don’t mess with Kamaba colours people! Plus if its a cloudy day he’ll brighten up the surrounding area..
