Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Fake Eyelashes for the Stage

Spiegelworld tentLast week we went to see the fabulously naughty Desir. It's the latest offering from the Spiegelworld crew down at NYC's South Street Seaport. (We dare you to say that 5 times fast--a tongue twister if we ever heard one!) It's like a grown up version of the Olympics with gymnasts doing all sorts of sexy risque things that you never saw on the mat in Beijing.

We were super-excited to sit behind Alan Cumming whom we last saw in Cabaret as the Emcee. He would have been equally at home here. We thought it was a bit odd that one of his companions filmed nearly the entire show, but we digress.

Marawa hula hoopOur favorite skit in the show was the Hula Hopper wearing a Josephine Baker-esque skirt of bananas. She's no ordinary hula hooper--she could make that thing go around while suspended in air. For her grande finale she shook 10 at a time! Somehow we managed to take our eyes off of the mesmerizing vision of this hula hooper's hips to notice her gorgeous full lashes. (Well, we are obsessed.)

Lucky for us, we got to mingle with the cast afterwards. Forget the hot gent dressed as a sailor or the other one costumed as a genie. We wanted to find the hula hooper and have her teach us a thing or two.

Turns out her name is Marawa, she is Australian and totally friendly. First off, she told us she uses Ardell lashes that come packaged on a curve band and her favorite models are #101 and #111. Marawa is super-allergic to traditional stage makeup, but likes these lashes as they're made of human hair. She says that because they're curved, they're super-easy to apply. JSG also wants to point out how totally affordable they are: 2 pairs only cost $4.50!

While we were totally enamored of Marawa's lashes, we were at least able to hold it together to get some tips on how she keeps her hula hoop spinning. The secret is to move your hips forward and back NOT side to side. Give it a try--when you do it right, hula hooping can burn as many calories as jump roping and makes your waist tiny!

1 comment:

  1. Well that is a way cool outfit. Great eyelash info - I'm dashing off to get a pair right now. Go Marawa. When I get the lashes I think I might just head off to Australia. It sounds like quite a place. CC
