Monday, August 11, 2008

Beijing Air Pollution: Yes, It Really is That Bad

You can’t flip open a newspaper these days without reading about the poor air quality in Beijing. JSG went two years ago, and can personally report, that yes, it is that bad.

We were there in May and developed a cough that we couldn't shake even after we had been home for a few weeks. Even for a month or two afterwards, whenever we were in pollution, around cigarette smoke or smoke from dry ice (at a club), the cough instantly kicked in.

We were lucky we weren’t there a few weeks earlier. We met some fellow travelers who said that a dust storm from the Gobi Desert made it particularly miserable.

We feel for beach volleyball players Misty May-Traenor and Kerri Walsh (pictured above in their killer bikini-clad splendor); though the air pollution hasn't hurt them yet.

Ever wonder what it's like to compete in a bikini? Here's a video clip of Jen Boss USA volleyball player giving us the dish.

1 comment:

  1. In general (i.e. when there are no special procedures for the Olympics in place), the best time to go to Beijing is late September/early October. The pollution is still there, but at least you can see blue sky, and it's not too hot or humid. The winter can be bad because of the dust storms.
