Thursday, July 3, 2008

David Beckham: Is He Worth It?

JSG's Hope took her two girls to see arguably the hottest man on the planet right now, David Beckham, and his team the LA Galaxy play the DC United. These girls have spent so much time this summer fawning over the Jonas Brothers, Hope felt it was her duty to show them something else. (We value music just as highly as athletics in our fam; but the Jonas Brothers are way over hyped.)

We know that Beckham makes more money than all the other players on the field combined, and probably doesn't have near the talent as many of them (though he made one great pass). But here's what he does well: when he comes in town he fills the stadium and gets the home team to vehemently back their own (he absorbed the FU Beckham chants with a smile on his face). We sat in the middle of the America's best fan group, the Barra Brava, (that's them below) next to the drum corp and behind the giant waving flags, where everyone stands on their chairs for the entire game chanting "Vamos United!" The United won 4 to 1.

Is Beckham worth the $84 we paid for three tickets? Oh yeah, especially when he took his shirt off.

Meanwhile, in NYC, JSG's Annie was learning the value of soccer on her own. Her SO dragged her kicking and screaming to watch the Germany-Spain Euro Cup match last Sunday. Not being a fan of soccer and annoyed by the fact that the bar's satellite was out and she missed A-Rod's near win in the 9th, she managed to make it through by trying to figure out which team had the hottest players (a tie).

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