Thursday, May 29, 2008

SATC--We Loved It!

sex and the city
The clothes, the locations, the friendships--we LOVED the Sex and the City movie. Everyone in our NYC audience seemed to agree and even clapped at the end. No spoilers here--we'll just say the ending of the movie satisfied us FAR more than the ending of the show.

And--love how the Carrie and the gang go an all-girls' getaway when one of them needs some cheering up. Sun, sand and margaritas are a foolproof remedy for all of life's ills.


  1. I loved it tooo! I was afraid that I'd be disappointed, but No - it was GREAT!!! I found myself clapping, laughing out loud, and saying, "awe" throughout the entire thing, like a deranged person(in a good way). I never buy DVD's, but this is one I want to OWN!

  2. I loved it too! My best friend and I went on Saturday morning and cried about 15 times. I want to see it again for sure!
