Tuesday, May 13, 2008

A Fashionista's Dream

Let’s face it: shopping while away is so much more fun than shopping at home. Somehow it makes much more sense to spend $200 on a bikini while in Miami or $150 on a necklace for our man while in LA. But even as much as we JSG’s travel, we do need help finding stores that are off the beaten path—those hidden gems where we can find the perfect flirty summer dress or vintage bakelite bangles.

Enter Storeadore.com. Founded by Meredith Barnett and Christina Miller, the site’s editors profile stores and users review them. You can also chart your own course and print out a map to take with you. Kind of like Lucky magazine’s Shopping Guides, which probably isn’t an accident since Meredith used to work there. But it’s better since it’s totally interactive and completely personalized.

Even better—the site frequently has discounts at online stores and an active user community who are happy to give advice and feedback on just about any store known to woman.

Storeadore currently features reviews on NYC, Boston, D.C., Princeton and L.A. We hear Chicago on Philly are close behind.

We can totally vouch for there review of Brooklyn boutique Zoe (shown above) which we just walked by on our way to work this a.m., where we admired a pair of silver wellies:

A one-stop shop for stylish, cutting-edge tops, tees, dresses and more, Zoë carries every line you would find on the fifth floor of Bergdorf’s—but every piece that wouldn’t be there.

Happy shopping!


  1. I LOVE Zoe. It is seriously dangerous to shop there! So cute--but so expensive.

  2. What a cute site!! I just checked it out and have a whole new list of stores to shop at this weekend. Thanks for the tip!
