Monday, May 19, 2008

Don't Get Burned: Clinique Suncare Giveaway

Clinique SuncareAs Clinique says on its website: Safe is the New Sexy. While that sounds a little like a revamped safe sex ad from the 1990s, we're behind it 100 percent, especially as, we would like to add, sun damage isn't sexy.

To keep you at your sexiest, we're giving away the complete collection above. This includes: Lip & Eye Stick in SP 30, UV Response for Face in SPF 50, UV Response for Body in SPF 50; Body Spray in SPF 30; After Sun Rescue Balm and City Block Sheer in SPF 25.

Clinique sunblock is awesome for hanging out at the beach, playing sports and generally running around the city. We love the Lip & Eye stick in particular. We carry one with us in our purse wherever we go, so we never get caught off guard if we unexpectedly get the sunny seat at the café or stop to watch a group of hot guys playing volleyball.

But being safe doesn't mean being boring as Jemma Jameson surely knows. Scroll down for our post from earlier today on how to be a Bronze Goddess!

To enter, simply email us your contact info at before this Sunday May 25 at midnight.

1 comment:

  1. The Lip & Eye Stick along with City Block are on my must get summer list.
