Wednesday, April 9, 2008

In Praise of the Mini

We’re headed to Wolfgang Puck’s latest and possibly greatest restaurant (at least according to some DC food bloggers), The Source, on Friday for our friend Heidi’s birthday. All the reviews rave about their mini kobe beef sliders, a food that we would basically marry if we could. We’re particularly partial to the Kobe Beef Sliders at Prime 112 in South Beach and the miniburgers from NYC’s Pop burgers. Our friend Felissa over at’s celebrity style channel helpfully pointed out they even have miniburgers on the menu at the recently re-opened Second Avenue Deli.

Why are we so obsessed with mini-burgers? For starters, we’re a sucker for anything bite-sized. Secondly, you can fit them in your mouth without making a mess or ruining your lipstick (insert your own dirty joke here). Thirdly, anything that cute can’t be that bad for you. Fourth, there’s still enough room for that tuna steak for your main course.

Other minis we love are desserts. We wish every restaurant had a dessert menu like NYC’s Landmarc. They serve dessert tastings of crème brulee, mini ice cream cones and an éclair filled with Nutella. All bite-sized, all 4 bucks!

Got any minis you love?

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