Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Spanx A Lot!

At our friend’s wedding last spring, a friend called us into the bathroom and lifted her dress to show us she was wearing Spanx. We were more shocked to find out that even the skinniest girl at the wedding had them on! Well, while we can certainly use the help, they can be a bit restrictive and they definitely aren’t sexy, even if they were Gwyneth’s choice post-childbirth.
We’re sure there a lot of Spanx fans out there so we’ll go easy on ‘em and share our fave Spanx product: their reversible tights. They’re a godsend for all those shorter than short dresses we keep praying will go out of fashion and reversible which means not only can you wear them on the brown side but also the black side, they’re extra warm, won't take up a lot of room in your suitcase and because they’re Spanx, they still make your legs look slim and trim. Move over, Heidi Klum!

Buy them here.

Update: Even Jessica Alba says she wears Spanx in February’s In Style. Wonder if that was prepregnancy?


  1. my husband is rather large if you know what I mean. Would spanx work for him?

  2. LOL. I love how I am pretty slim and yet I wear Spanx whenever I wear a skirt or a dress, but my husband has a bit of a belly and would never dream of squeezing himself into anything that would make him look slimmer (nor would I want him to). This is a fundamental way in which men and women are wired differently. I am more than willing to put up with some physical discomfort to get the mental comfort of looking my best in a dress, but I have to struggle to get him to wear a tie when I want him to.

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  4. Finally bought a pair, reverse to navy (out of the brown). Looking to wear them soon! Thanks for the advise.
